Melksham has
been the centre of much of my work for
the last week. Having met recently with the planning officer dealing with the
Melksham Link planning application, project
manager Paul Lenaerts is completing the work programme to assist the consultants (Nicholas Pearson Associates) to complete the
Environment Statement. This will include
the results of an archaeological survey that is
being carried out. A provisional
timetable for the planning application has further consultation in March/April
with a decision in June. I n the wider context of the Melksham Link much
work is also going on with adjacent
landowners to put together a MasterPlan that
will deliver funding for the project
by creating enabling development. The broad concepts of the proposals
are being discussed with landowners and the local community via the
Neighbourhood Plan process of Melksham Town and Melksham Without Parish
Councils. I am delighted to welcome Bill Gush from Land & Water who
has started a 3 month secondment to the Melksham Link project team
On Tuesday
night WBCT Council of Management meet at the new venue of the Peterborough
Also planned
for this week are meetings about Wichelstowe in Swindon when it is hoped some
progress can be made to work on the Wichelstowe Link project.
As part of my
role for Wiltshire Council I attend meetings of the Cotswold Canals
Partnership. It was interesting to hear from their project team last week how they are progressing
towards completion of their Phase 1A (HLF) restoration and plans for funding Pause
1b which will link this to the national network.
Finally you
might like to have a look at a relatively local
Canal & River Trust open day at Aldermaston on Jan 31. This is part of a national programme to show how
CRT maintain their historic structures
Ken Oliver