Monday, 15 September 2014

A Quiet Week

At least, that is what it looked like on the surface, but of course there was a lot going on.
The feedback on the Melksham River Festival continues to come in, and is universally supportive and appreciative of the Trust's efforts in putting on the event. We have had favourable comments from the IWA, local authorities, neighbouring canal societies, and members of the public. And of course from our members. So well done everyone. Probably time for a pause to catch our breath before taking on any more events.
What the event did emphasise is the need for a second trip boat. Clearly our minds are on another boat similar to Dragonfly, but Ian Graham of Wilderness boats has raised an interesting suggestion about obtaining a second-hand boat for use as a trailable boat for isolated sections. We will explore this idea very carefully, making sure of course that any boat we acquire meets all the appropriate safety standards.

We are continuing to work on the studies and other documentation needed to support our planning application for the Melksham Link. We are also developing our thoughts, with Jock Mackenzie's help, for a masterplan for the whole canal, and for the Melksham Link in the short term. In a similar vein, we continue the dialogue with Swindon Borough Council about developments at Wichelstowe and other parts of the canal.

We are now looking forward to the Trust's AGM, which will be held on Saturday 18th October at Old Mill Hall, School Lane, Grove, Oxfordshire OX12 7LB. It will be interesting to learn from the East Vale branch about progress in their area. In addition, there is so much going on in the Trust generally that we want to give members an update on progress on a number of aspects. We look forward to seeing as many of you there as can come.

Chris Coyle

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