Monday, 13 June 2016

Headlines for 2 weeks ending 10th June



Swindon Branch AGM: Maureen and Keith Walker thanked by Roderick Bluh, WBCT Chairman, on behalf of the Trust for all their 30 years of volunteering for the Trust.


Many members of the Trust attended the funeral of a member, friend and volunteer, Keith Parsons. The huge turnout reflected the fondness felt for him by many people. 

Flying Scotsman passes RWB close to the canal track. Our President, Sir William McAlpine was instrumental in rescuing and restoring the Flying Scotsman

Branch BBQ on 25th June at Sorrell's Farm Chaddington Lane, RWB SN4 8QT from 6 pm for a walk along th ecanal to Chaddington Lock and BBQ afterwards. By kind invitation of Keth and Mary Lambert. Contact Margaret Mason on 01793 855195, 07812 109731 or email: to book your place


Pewsham Locks: work continuing on south east wing wall and pound.

Heritage Walk: a guided walk retracing the original canal route from Chippenham to Pewsham Locks.  Approximately 4 miles return.                   

 June 26th from 10 am for 10.30 start, at the Buttercross in Chippenham.                    Or from 10 am for a Family Fun Day at Pewsham Locks. 

Contact Malcolm Hitchinson 01373 859207  

Foxham & Lyneham:

PA Sponsors & Volunteers Event 18th June. Planning well in hand for Saturday. Well done team! Such a shame we won't have access to the canal!

East Vale:

Lots happening in association with the Wantage Summer Festival.
Guided walks taking in the canal line led by Brian Stovold on 14th June, 23rd June and more, starting at 7.30 pm. Pubs may be involved! 
More info from

Saturday 18th June: Branch will be attending Childrey Village Church Fete. 

WBCT Executive

Fund raising and PR initiatives being worked, on plus procedures and processes and organisation for projects and volunteers. New web site work continues with a big push to get to end of first phase.


Don't forget to get copy in asap now to John: 

Find out all about the W&BCT by:
Read “On the Button”, our monthly email newsletter, available on request from the web site and read about us in Dragonfly, our quarterly journal: next issue due out shortly, and look at our web site  (new web site coming soon):

Follow us on twitter: @wiltsberkscanal, and like us on Facebook: Wilts & Berks Canal Friends

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